Winmail.dat Reader Winmail.dat Reader

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» Winmail.dat Reader - Free Online version

Welcome to the Winmail.dat Reader free online version. The only web TNEF decoder capable of displaying the message body! To open the winmail.dat file:
  1. Save the received winmail.dat locally (hard disk or memory card)
  2. Select it here:
  3. Press

The Winmail.dat Reader free online version was developed for Mac, Linux, iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry (and so on) users who received Winmail.dat attachments files sent by MS Outlook and MS Exchange.

For Windows users we HIGHLY recommend using the desktop version of the Winmail.dat Reader! Click here to go to the Download page.

For Android users we HIGHLY recommend using the Android APP! Click here to go to the Download page.

To open the winmail.dat file:

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